Christmas In The City: A Turkey & Tinsel Tour Of London – Part III

Happy Yule logs, folks. It’s the third and final part of our Xmas charabanc trip through London. I’ve covered a lot of ground, eaten a lot of foil-wrapped M&S chocolate coins, and taken a lot of pictures on zebra crossings whilst bemused drivers considered running me over for holding up traffic. Grinches would say that it wasn’t worth it; that I would have been better off sitting in my mum’s living room in my dressing gown watching ‘The Great Sprouty Fart-Off’. Well, firstly, I’m a fearless explorer, so a bit of cold weather that turns your hands blood red and your fingernails blue isn’t going to stop me. Secondly, my mother has a prepayment electricity meter that displays how much leccie is being used throughout the day, and let me tell you; you are never happier to leave a house then when you’ve seen £11 disappear in the space of seven hours through tumble drying four pillow cases and warming a chicken pot pie in the oven.

Oh, You Little Teas! TWG Tea review – Leicester Square

TWG Tea 48 Leicester Square WC2H 7LT Tel: 020 3972 0202 Tarte Tatin: £7.00* Passion Fruit Tea: £7.00* It was the use of the word ‘unctous’ that first caught my attention. Unctous is a term that doesn’t belong on a menu. Neither does ’emulsion’, ‘ethereal’ or ‘artisanal’ when used to describe a muffin. There…