Oh, You Little Teas! Tea Darling – Acton

Afternoon, folks. I came across this sweet spot during a rare trip to replenish my biscuit collection and thought I would report in (I usually pay over the odds for a cousin of The Stig to deliver groceries on the back of his Deliveroo bike, but I was passing through on the bus and had a sudden hankering for double cream Oreos. I think we’ve all been there). So, I made a detour into the main shopping area of Acton which is… er, it’s quite… er, I mean, it’s very… er… Look, no one visiting London is going to make a beeline for Acton. There isn’t an Acton tourist centre. It isn’t overburdened with blue plaques or historical sites or a faded grandeur which can characterise other districts of London (hiya, Streatham!). Acton High Street is a fully functioning, practical, utilitarian street where you can buy a shower hose, a bottle of Tixylix and a box of Mieszko Michaszki chocolates without having to take three separate tube journeys to find them.

Oh, You Little Teas! Doreen’s Coffee House – Shepherd’s Bush

Welcome back, folks. Let me introduce you to Askew Road, one of my favourite places in London. Don’t worry if you’re never heard of it. SITC loves to take you to seemingly generic London streets in parts of the capital you don’t care about. I only know of it because my mum lives nearby and she regularly invites me over to criticise my life choices and foist cans of soup and corn niblets at me as though I’m the human equivalent of a harvest festival.

Afternoon Tea Review: The Diamond Jubilee Tea Salon, Fortnum & Mason + Hard Rock Café Vault Tour – Piccadilly

Happy 2022, teaholics! Do I have the perfect post to kickstart the new year. I’ve enjoyed many a afternoon tea and will continue to do so till I am forced to take a sideline gig on OnlyFans dedicated to knee porn, but I suspect that this is the peak of my tea-drinking dalliances. This is the afternoon tea by which all other teas will be judged. It’s Fortnum’s, folks, and it’s a showstopper

Halloween in the City: Afternoon Tea review at the Croydon Aerodrome Hotel + Whitechapel ‘Jack the Ripper’ tour

Happy belated Halloween, folks. Yes, Halloween doesn’t seem to stick in the memory as much as Xmas, so in order to cash in on the last dregs of interest in this not-really holiday (if you don’t get a day off work it’s not a real holiday. The only advantage is that women can board the tube as Harley Quinn with a baseball bat and not get stopped by the transport police), I have done my own version of trick or treat, or trick and treat as I’m calling it.

Oh, You Little Teas! Aux Merveilleux de Fred review – Leadenhall Market

Hello again, folks. Apologies for my absence. I have been experiencing my 19th nervous breakdown of the year and developed a theory that barely leaving the house and not having any fun was sure to make me feel better. Strangely enough, it didn’t, so I’ve decided to follow in the footsteps of Charles Dickens and go for lots of 10-mile walks to get the endorphins flowing (worked well for Dickens. With all that fresh air and exercise Charley lived to the ripe old age of… er, 58. Well, he had ten children and there was a lot of arsenic in the wallpaper back then).

Scones At Home: Take-Away Afternoon Tea review, Dolly Birds Catering – Staffordshire

A shorter post today in celebration of Dolly Birds Catering. In a previous post I mentioned them in connection with a rather nice filled oatcake I enjoyed. They came highly recommended by my Dad and his partner as being the best place to enjoy Staffordshire’s culinary gift to the world, but the mobile nature of their enterprise makes getting to them tricky if you don’t drive. Well, as it turned out, the journey out to their catering truck in Somewhere-Shire, just on the outskirts of  Wherethebloodyhellarewe-ville, had more of a purpose than an oatcake stuffed with mushrooms eaten next to a goat in a lay-by