Afternoon Tea Review: The Galley At Sketch – Mayfair

G’day, folks. A shorter post today, but don’t let the lack of paragraphs fool you. This is one of the best. I was able to tick ‘Afternoon tea at Sketch’ off my ‘Teas To Taste With Bankruptcy Nigh’ bucket list during the halcyon days of 2021, back when we could still afford to eat and didn’t need an overdraft to boil the kettle. Sadly, being the sort of blogger who writes better in their head and is often distracted by shiny objects, I put writing about this experience on the backburner where it simmered to the point of evaporation. Almost. Whilst recently sorting through photographs on my phone, I realised that this was an experience too good to remain forever trapped in The Cloud.

Afternoon Calami-Tea! AVOID! The Bailey’s Hotel Review, South Kensington

Afternoon, folks. You join me on a great day. I am about to capture an afternoon tea experience like no other. We are venturing to Gloucester Road to The Bailey’s Hotel, an “iconic” four star Victorian townhouse where guests can enjoy, and I quote:

“A refined afternoon tea, which is sure to please your taste buds. The combination of British charm and Victorian grandeur ensure a memorable afternoon tea in South Kensington”.

Sounds just the ticket. Fair enough, I wasn’t aware of this “iconic” hotel before I made the reservation, but that’s not important. Bars in Blackpool used to label themselves world famous all the time and even the postman hadn’t heard of them. What is important is that my mother and I are off to enjoy quality mother-daughter time together, mostly involving her telling me to wipe all of my cutlery on a napkin and put plenty of paper down before I use the toilet. You know; girl talk.

Afternoon Tea Review: London Landmarks, Town House, South Kensington + A Tantalising Tour of Tower Bridge

Hello again, folks. Today we are indulging the London Landmarks tea at the Town House, Kensington. As the name suggests, this is a themed tea commemorating the landmarks that make up London’s Iconic skyline. Actually, they don’t commemorate them exactly. If we were to accurately portray them as they have been the last few years Big Ben would be surrounded by Twiglets representing scaffolding and the phone box would be decorated with cards of naked women with a river of pee dribbling from the bottom. Personally, I’d have preferred something a bit more obscure. The Whitgift Center, Croydon, carved out of marzipan, perhaps. The Vagina Museum, Camden, sculpted from an avocado with the pit removed etc. But that would attract a pretty niche market of one, so here we are, eating a praline Gerkin and living it large

Afternoon Tea Review: The Diamond Jubilee Tea Salon, Fortnum & Mason + Hard Rock Café Vault Tour – Piccadilly

Happy 2022, teaholics! Do I have the perfect post to kickstart the new year. I’ve enjoyed many a afternoon tea and will continue to do so till I am forced to take a sideline gig on OnlyFans dedicated to knee porn, but I suspect that this is the peak of my tea-drinking dalliances. This is the afternoon tea by which all other teas will be judged. It’s Fortnum’s, folks, and it’s a showstopper

Halloween in the City: Afternoon Tea review at the Croydon Aerodrome Hotel + Whitechapel ‘Jack the Ripper’ tour

Happy belated Halloween, folks. Yes, Halloween doesn’t seem to stick in the memory as much as Xmas, so in order to cash in on the last dregs of interest in this not-really holiday (if you don’t get a day off work it’s not a real holiday. The only advantage is that women can board the tube as Harley Quinn with a baseball bat and not get stopped by the transport police), I have done my own version of trick or treat, or trick and treat as I’m calling it.

Scones At Home: Take-Away Afternoon Tea review, Dolly Birds Catering – Staffordshire

A shorter post today in celebration of Dolly Birds Catering. In a previous post I mentioned them in connection with a rather nice filled oatcake I enjoyed. They came highly recommended by my Dad and his partner as being the best place to enjoy Staffordshire’s culinary gift to the world, but the mobile nature of their enterprise makes getting to them tricky if you don’t drive. Well, as it turned out, the journey out to their catering truck in Somewhere-Shire, just on the outskirts of  Wherethebloodyhellarewe-ville, had more of a purpose than an oatcake stuffed with mushrooms eaten next to a goat in a lay-by