Scones At Home: Take-Away Afternoon Tea review, Dolly Birds Catering – Staffordshire

Dolly Birds Catering

Tel: 07518 472770

Takeaway afternoon tea with a scone, cupcake, brownie, jelly sandwiches and sausage rolls from Dolly Birds Mobile Catering, Staffordshire
Take-away afternoon tea, Dolly Birds Catering

A shorter post today in celebration of Dolly Birds Catering, Staffordshire. In a previous post I mentioned them in connection with a rather nice filled oatcake I enjoyed. They came highly recommended by my Dad and his partner as being the best place to enjoy Staffordshire’s culinary gift to the world, but the mobile nature of their enterprise makes getting to them tricky if you don’t drive. Well, as it turned out, the journey out to their catering truck in Somewhere-Shire, just on the outskirts of Wherethebloodyhellarewe-ville, had more of a purpose than an oatcake stuffed with mushrooms eaten next to a goat in a lay-by

Sandwiches, pork pie, salad and sausage rolls, Dolly Birds Mobile Catering, Staffordshire

Takeaway afternoon tea with a scone, cupcake, brownie and jelly from Dolly Birds Mobile Catering, Staffordshire

You see, The Dolly Birds are not your average catering outfit. Yes, they have a van and that van does not at first glance suggest a gastronomic feast for the arteries, but don’t be fooled. From this unassuming van great things emerge. Namely, afternoon tea. Not just any afternoon tea, but a massive, surprising, perfectly crafted afternoon tea served in two large, overstuffed boxes

Dolly Birds Catering van, Staffordshire
Image: The Dolly Birds Catering.

As this was a gift from my Dad to eat on the train back to London I have no idea what it cost, but whatever it was I can guarantee it wasn’t enough, for this tea – from a modest van frequented by haulage drivers spilling fag ash into a filter coffee – is one of the loveliest, most well-thought-out teas I’ve ever had. I mean, look at it!

Takeaway afternoon tea with a scone, cupcake, brownie, jelly, sandwiches, quiche, pork pie and sausage rolls from Dolly Birds Mobile Catering, Staffordshire

Now, obviously I wasn’t going to be able to eat all of the tea in one sitting, so taking full advantage of working from home I decided to enliven a dull Monday of avoiding emails and watching ‘Dickinson’s Real Deals’ by laying out a magnificent feast. It was like a banquet served to Louis XVI at Versailles, minus the guests nipping off to have a crap behind a curtain. I lightly toasted the remaining sandwiches (ham, cheese and tuna. I threw the egg ones out the window for next door’s cat. It ran off) and warmed the sausage rolls, quiche, pork pie and scone in the oven

Sandwiches, quiche, pork pie and sausage roll, Dolly Birds Mobile Catering, Staffordshire

Blueberry scone with Cornish clotted cream and strawberry jam, Dolly Birds Mobile Catering, Staffordshire

It might not be arranged on a three-tier stand, and the mismatched crockery may represent decades of items pilfered from hotel dining rooms, but I think we can all agree that this looks amazing. And everything tastes good. The savouries are top-quality and the sweets consist of a gorgeous chocolate cupcake, a rich chocolate brownie, a massive blueberry scone with heaps of jam and cream AND A JELLY!!! Yes, folks, this tea comes with a strawberry jelly. How lovely is that? And it is served in a glittery plastic pot with a glittery plastic spoon, reminding me of the children’s parties I never went to when I was little because my mum thought clowns were predators and ball pits were a biohazard. This truly is a wonderful afternoon tea and I can’t praise The Dolly Birds enough for putting so much care and effort into creating such a perfect collection of treats

Takeaway afternoon tea with a cupcake, brownie, chocolates, grapes and jelly from Dolly Birds Mobile Catering, Staffordshire

Presentation: 5/5

Savory selection: 5/5

Scone: 5/5

Dessert selection: 5/5

Verdict – Quantity and quality. Superb. 5/5 teacups

 information correct as of 08/08/21

Feel free to share stories, views and tips in the comments section below. Always fun to hear from fellow teaholics xx

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