Halloween in the City: Afternoon Tea review at the Croydon Aerodrome Hotel + Whitechapel ‘Jack the Ripper’ tour

Happy belated Halloween, folks. Yes, Halloween doesn’t seem to stick in the memory as much as Xmas, so in order to cash in on the last dregs of interest in this not-really holiday (if you don’t get a day off work it’s not a real holiday. The only advantage is that women can board the tube as Harley Quinn with a baseball bat and not get stopped by the transport police), I have done my own version of trick or treat, or trick and treat as I’m calling it.

Afternoon Tea review: The Oxo Tower Restaurant, Bar & Brasserie – Southbank

Greetings, folks. It’s time to start spending money again. As this is the first afternoon tea taken since February 2020 – a carefree time when you didn’t have to evacuate a building whenever someone sneezed – I’ve chosen to visit the OXO Tower Restaurant, hoping to ease back onto the high-octane world of eating small things and pretending they constitute a meal