Scones Away From Home: A Glorious Glutton’s Guide to Leek, Stoke & the Staffordshire Moorlands

Greetings, folks. We’re back on tour! Due to the recent unpleasantness you might have noticed that the ability to travel has been ever-so-slightly curtailed (travel situation as summed up by a BBC pundit last week: ‘purely for the bold and desperate’). So, what do you do when you want a break because your life is collapsing and you need to get away from the omnishambles that is your existence? Simple: you have a staycation – the single most uninspiring word in the English language – so you can focus on the omnishambles that is your existence in a room with a kettle and a bin under the sink

No Scones, Just the City: A Glorious Glutton’s Food Guide to Columbia Road Flower Market, Bethnal Green

Welcome back, folks. I know what you’re thinking. A flower market? I thought this was an outlet for inner turmoil masquerading as a food/travel blog. Why am I suddenly looking at Chrysanthemums? Where’re the scones? Well, firstly, I already have an outlet for my inner turmoil, thank you very much. She’s called mum and she is the only person I know who owns a tumble dryer that can make all my towels fluffy, so I’ll stay on good terms with her for that reason if nothing else.

Afternoon Tea review: The Oxo Tower Restaurant, Bar & Brasserie – Southbank

Greetings, folks. It’s time to start spending money again. As this is the first afternoon tea taken since February 2020 – a carefree time when you didn’t have to evacuate a building whenever someone sneezed – I’ve chosen to visit the OXO Tower Restaurant, hoping to ease back onto the high-octane world of eating small things and pretending they constitute a meal