Festive Food in the City: The Top 15 Mince Pies in London

Happy 2023, old beans. Today we are changing our name to Mince Pies in the City. Yes, in the interests of furthering society I have decided to bring you all the latest mince pie news from around the capital, just as we consign the last of the little buggers to the back of the cupboard and start mainlining kale to dilute a season of gluttony (I meant to upload this post before Xmas but I got distracted by a candle arch. Still, it’s never too early to start planning for next Christmas. You’ll be well prepared if the nukes don’t land beforehand).

Oh, You Little Teas! Doreen’s Coffee House – Shepherd’s Bush

Welcome back, folks. Let me introduce you to Askew Road, one of my favourite places in London. Don’t worry if you’re never heard of it. SITC loves to take you to seemingly generic London streets in parts of the capital you don’t care about. I only know of it because my mum lives nearby and she regularly invites me over to criticise my life choices and foist cans of soup and corn niblets at me as though I’m the human equivalent of a harvest festival.

Oh, You Little Teas! Aux Merveilleux de Fred review – Leadenhall Market

Hello again, folks. Apologies for my absence. I have been experiencing my 19th nervous breakdown of the year and developed a theory that barely leaving the house and not having any fun was sure to make me feel better. Strangely enough, it didn’t, so I’ve decided to follow in the footsteps of Charles Dickens and go for lots of 10-mile walks to get the endorphins flowing (worked well for Dickens. With all that fresh air and exercise Charley lived to the ripe old age of… er, 58. Well, he had ten children and there was a lot of arsenic in the wallpaper back then).

Afternoon Tea Review at The Wedgwood Tea Room, World of Wedgwood, Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent

Howdy, folks. I was going to add this to my mega post about the delights of Stoke-on-Trent and the sweeping vistas of Hanley town center, but it occurred to me that if this was in London I would devote an entire post to its quality and elegance. This is on a par with the best afternoon tea’s available in the capital, and to tag it to the end of my last post as an afterthought would be to do it an injustice. This is a great place. Who doesn’t love a good pot?