Scones At Home: Take-Away Afternoon Tea review, Dolly Birds Catering – Staffordshire

A shorter post today in celebration of Dolly Birds Catering. In a previous post I mentioned them in connection with a rather nice filled oatcake I enjoyed. They came highly recommended by my Dad and his partner as being the best place to enjoy Staffordshire’s culinary gift to the world, but the mobile nature of their enterprise makes getting to them tricky if you don’t drive. Well, as it turned out, the journey out to their catering truck in Somewhere-Shire, just on the outskirts of  Wherethebloodyhellarewe-ville, had more of a purpose than an oatcake stuffed with mushrooms eaten next to a goat in a lay-by

Scones Away From Home: A Glorious Glutton’s Guide to Leek, Stoke & the Staffordshire Moorlands

Greetings, folks. We’re back on tour! Due to the recent unpleasantness you might have noticed that the ability to travel has been ever-so-slightly curtailed (travel situation as summed up by a BBC pundit last week: ‘purely for the bold and desperate’). So, what do you do when you want a break because your life is collapsing and you need to get away from the omnishambles that is your existence? Simple: you have a staycation – the single most uninspiring word in the English language – so you can focus on the omnishambles that is your existence in a room with a kettle and a bin under the sink